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Electronic Genre

Tagged #electronic

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Precious Angel
One of the best songs by a dear friend who we lost way too soon....

July 13, 2014 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers
published a news article
Leak: Jay Z + Daft Punk ComputerizedLeak: Jay Z + Daft Punk "Computerized"

It looks like Jay Z and Daft Punk teamed up at some point, but no one is sure exactly when. The sound definitely points to their Tron: Legacy days because it samples "Son of Flynn". Pitchfork confirms "Computerized" is a real collaboration, but something about the quality of Jay's vocal track makes me suspicious. Perhaps it just never made it to the mastering stage, which judging by the YouTube community was for good reason. You be the judge after listening below.

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#daftpunk #jayz #computerized #electronic #hiphop
March 11, 2014 | Comments (1)
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
of the sun
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night ride.night ride.
something new i am working on. i'm really digging it so far....

November 14, 2013 | Comments (3)
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
published a music feature
Interview: Windsor Airlift Discusses Music LPInterview: Windsor Airlift Discusses "Music" LP

Windsor Airlift is an instrumental band that was formed in the fall of 2002 by brothers Tony and Andy Johnson and Adam Young (of Owl City). They played dozens of shows throughout high school and into their college years, until Owl City signed with Universal-Republic. The 3 of them got together on July 24, 2009 to record a live album entitled "We Rule." This is the last time they have all played together.

Tony and Andy have continued to write music for Windsor Airlift and in January 2012 Windsor Airlift released the album "The Meadow." The brothers c...Read More

#instrumental #electronic #windsorairlift

October 31, 2013 | Comments (14)
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Windsor Airlift releases Music LPWindsor Airlift releases "Music" LP

Instrumental #Electronic duo Windsor Airlift have released their newest effort entitled "Music". The record is 14 songs of blissful Instrumental Electronic music. It's no secret that the FLUX9 staff are all avid fans of Instrumental, especially Instrumental associated with Adam Young (These guys and Adam are childhood friends). You can grab the Album in it's entirety on iTunes. You can also check out a song from the record on their FaceBook page. More

#electronic #instrumental #adamyoung

September 24, 2013 | Comments (1)
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
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dont listen ass...

September 2, 2013 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
of the sun
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been learning track 1 off "the airship" by port blue. wanted to put my take on it. check it out....

June 9, 2013 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
of the sun
uploaded music
Alpha - SingleAlpha - Single
First completely finished song off "The Alpha"...

April 28, 2013 | Post a Comment
of the sun
uploaded music
interlude off of "the alpha"...

February 25, 2013 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
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the shadowlands
ryan adams cover demo by ots aka skiii
been sitting on this one forever, decided to leak it because i farted...

February 15, 2013 | Post a Comment
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Demo IIDemo II
Donations and more information can be found here:

#fawns #ambient #electronic #experimental #post-rock #seattle
February 13, 2013 | Post a Comment
Mark Muehling fluxes with it
of the sun
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alpha demosalpha demos
the night it all ended....

November 17, 2012 | Post a Comment
2 people flux with it
of the sun
uploaded music
alpha demo 3alpha demo 3
the race to space...

November 13, 2012 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
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epic breakdownepic breakdown
metal meets saving private ryan...

November 11, 2012 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
published a news article
LISTEN: Passion Pit – Take a Walk (Classixx Remix)LISTEN: Passion Pit – Take a Walk (Classixx Remix)

In preparation for their upcoming Endless Summer Tour, Los Angeles nu disco duo Classixx have spun their dreamy chilled-out vibes on top of Passion Pit’s lead single “Take a Walk.” The track gives a solid bass line with a strong 80's electro vibe. The effects added to the vocals are nice as well. Overall this is a great remix track of Passion Pit's most successful single. You can grab the track for free over at SoundCloud. Link below.

Grab The Track Here: More

#electronic #passionpit #rock

November 11, 2012 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
of the sun
uploaded music
the alpha e.pthe alpha e.p
demo 2 from my new e.p...

November 3, 2012 | Post a Comment
2 people flux with it
of the sun
uploaded music

October 21, 2012 | Post a Comment
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me and gambit revised (with 808's)

October 20, 2012 | Post a Comment
2 people flux with it
Apollo Knaul
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October 16, 2012 | Post a Comment
2 people flux with it
of the sun
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at·om /ˈatəm/

The basic unit of a chemical element.
Such particles as a source of nuclear energy: "the power of the atom"....

October 8, 2012 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
published a news article
NEW MUSIC: Owl City When Can I See You AgainNEW MUSIC: Owl City "When Can I See You Again"

Pop sensation Owl City is getting a second chance at penning songs for movies. This time around, the hit maker penned a track for the upcoming Disney film Wreck-It Ralph.

The track is somewhat of a typical track from Owl City. The rhythm section is upbeat, with some bubbly synth layering the high end. Adam's vocals also sound a bit more synthesized than normal. Overall, I like the track for what it is. Stream the track at the link below. Also, have you checked out Owl City's newest album "The Midsummer Station"? If so, what's your favorite track?

Stream Th...Read More

#electronic #owlcity

October 7, 2012 | Comments (1)
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NEW MUSIC: AraabMuzik Runway BassNEW MUSIC: AraabMuzik "Runway Bass"

DMC beat-maker extraordinaire AraabMuzik, master of the Akai hit the internet with a new track earlier today that explores some new avenues of his sound that we've never heard before. Taking inspiration from the likes of dubstep artist Skrillex you can hear the DubStep influenced low end, with some AraabMuzik signature drums over the top.

Araab is definitely taking his unique style to new places, and keeping fans excited along the way. Stream the track at the link below, and let us know what you think about this evolution in AraabMuzik's sound!

Also, while your at it, c...Read More

#electronic #hiphop #araabmuzik

October 7, 2012 | Post a Comment
uploaded music
we are the dreamerswe are the dreamers
first cut from of the sun number 2...

October 6, 2012 | Comments (1)
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
published a news article
LEAK: Ellie Goulding- I Need Your Love (feat. Calvin Harris)LEAK: Ellie Goulding- I Need Your Love (feat. Calvin Harris)

Yet another track has leaked from Ellie Goulding's newest album Halcyon. This one dropped just minutes ago, and is called "I Need Your Love", featuring Calvin Harris. Halcyon is set to drop next Tuesday, October 9th. As a bonus to Calvin Harris fans, he will also be featuring the song on his upcoming album 18 Monthes, which also drops in October.

The song is nothing short of stellar, I've really come around to Ellie lately, and can't wait for the album! Check the song after the jump, and let us know what you think in the comments! More

#electronic #elliegoulding

October 4, 2012 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
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New Video: Bow by Starrset featuring EmBuzziNew Video: "Bow" by Starrset featuring EmBuzzi

Indie hip-pop duo Starrset just dropped a video for their new song "Bow" featuring artist EmBuzzi. Devon True and Maverick McFly, the two brothers who make up Starrset, were born and raised from Southern California. They both not only write music but are also self-taught in music production. Check out their new video below and be on their look out for their upcoming album!

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#starrset #embuzzi #bow #hiphop #pop #electronic
October 3, 2012 | Post a Comment
3 people flux with it
of the sun
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silent hill sample silent hill sample
i love this piano, had to sample it. this is just the start....

September 30, 2012 | Comments (1)
2 people flux with it
of the sun
uploaded music
late nights...

September 27, 2012 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
published a news article
Kanye West Teaming Up With SkrillexKanye West Teaming Up With Skrillex

You know you've made it in the music business when #HipHop mogul Kanye West reaches out to you for a collab, and apparently next in line is #Electronic super star Skrillex. The super star broke the news recently in a sit down with the Daily Beast at the HARD Summer Festival in Los Angeles.

“I did some music with Kanye and from what I know, it’s actually going to be the first song on his new album.”

Personally, I think this will be what crosses #HipHop and #Electronic finally. Kanye tends to be quite the trend setter in the Hip Hop universe. It's only a ma...Read More

#hiphop #skrillex #electronic #kanyewest

August 9, 2012 | Post a Comment
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Music Video: Anything Could Happen by Ellie GouldingMusic Video: Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding

Ellie Goulding has released the first video to promote her sophomore album, "Halcyon". The lead single, "Anything Could Happen", has a laid-back club feel that is destined to be remixed by the best in the field. As much as I enjoy the song, I think I love the visual concept more. Ellie has taken Instagram photos submitted by her fans and placed them together for a simple lyric/slideshow video that is surprisingly effective. Listen and watch after the jump!

Do you think this song will be as popular as her smash-hit, "Lights"? More

#elliegoulding #anythingcanhappen #halcyon #electronic

August 9, 2012 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
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Aeronaut Releases New Promo VideoAeronaut Releases New Promo Video

Local #electronic outfit aeronaut. has been hard at work writing and re writing for their debut E.P. The band took some time to put together a short video with a sneak peek to their first single.

Check the video after the jump!

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#electronic #aeronaut
August 8, 2012 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
uploaded music
our newest song. we always release un finished stuff but i want to share the passion felt in these chords, and be able to show you guys how it evolves. we are going to re record some things but this is where the song is going....

#aeronaut #ambient
June 13, 2012 | Comments (4)
3 people flux with it
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Owl City Announces Small Tour, Streams Rest Of New E.POwl City Announces Small Tour, Streams Rest Of New E.P

Owl City's Adam Young is a busy, busy man. Since signing with Universal Republic in 2009, Young has released two records under the moniker Owl City, as well as a full length album from one of his various side projects, Sky Sailing. 2012 shows no signs of Young slowing down, releasing his third full length on Universal Republic just a shy 11 months after his sophomore release "All Things Brights And Beautiful". But, since that album isn't dropping until the late summer, Young decided to give fans something to tide them over. This upcoming tuesday Owl City will dr...Read More

#owlcity #electronic

May 13, 2012 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
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May 9, 2012 | Comments (2)
2 people flux with it
Mark Muehling
published a music feature
Collapse Under the Empire Interview"Collapse Under the Empire" Interview

Collapse Under The Empire is an instrumental / post-rock duo from Hamburg / Germany. They formed 2007, when Chris Burda and Martin Grimm got together to develop their own music. Collapse Under The Empire is a 2-piece post-rock band with an electronic feel which makes the band unique, but equally inspiring and other said bands of their genre. Fusing keyboards, synthesizers, guitars, and drums to form a soul searching ambience that speaks volumes to the world through music. The thing I love about intrumental music is that anyone in the world can listen and enjoy it. You dont have to understand a...Read More

#collapseundertheempire #CUTE #C.U.T.E #instrumental #postrock #ambient #electronic

March 31, 2012 | Comments (3)
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Owl City Announces Completion Of New Album Owl City Announces Completion Of New Album

Adam Young has been quite the busy man since signing with Universal Republic back in 2009. He's released two full length albums, and an ep under Sky Sailing. His work ethic doesn't seem to be stopping at all, because he just announced to fans that he is done recording his third full length album, which is yet to be titled.

Adam took to his blog to let fans know that he's spent the last four months in Los Angeles, New York, and Minnesota writing, producing, recording, engineering, mixing & mastering songs for the untitled release.

"It’s crazy how different t...Read More

#owlcity #pop #electronic #adamyoung

March 21, 2012 | Comments (2)
This song is a little older but I still love the visuals and direction of this video by #basshunter #electronic #dance March 4, 2012 | Post a Comment
5 people flux with it
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some new sounds...

#electronic #instrumental #aeronaut #bermuda
March 2, 2012 | Comments (5)
3 people flux with it
Apollo Knaul
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kick it, lay easy and listen...

February 27, 2012 | Post a Comment
6 people flux with it
Race to OrionRace to Orion
Wanted to do more with vocals. Listen with Speakers!!!...

#betweenblackandwhite #racetoorion #rock #electronic
February 25, 2012 | Comments (12)
2 people flux with it
Apollo Knaul
uploaded music
Song name is "Doo Wop", this is the new mastered one. lemme know what ya dink...

February 23, 2012 | Comments (2)
3 people flux with it
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Bonobo Releases Remix Version Of Black SandsBonobo Releases Remix Version Of "Black Sands"

UK Producer Bonobo's latest project, the Black Sands Remixed album dropped earlier this week. As you might have guessed from its title, it is a complete overhaul of the material on the U.K. producer's awesome record, Black Sands. Featured producers on the remix album include Lapalux, Machinedrum, FaltyDL, and Mark Pritchard while British rapper DELS drops some bars on the Andreya Triana-assisted "Eyesdown." I highly suggest you check this out, it is a quality remix album.

Check it out at on SoundCloud by following the link below: More

#electronic #bonobo #instrumental

February 16, 2012 | Comments (1)
3 people flux with it
of the sun
uploaded music
haven't been sleeping as much as i should be as of late. wrote this two late nights last week. i'm still going to add bass and some samples. what do you guys think?...

February 13, 2012 | Comments (1)
2 people flux with it
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Skrillex teams up with Zen ArtsSkrillex teams up with Zen Arts

On January 29, 2012, at the Nokia Theatre in LA, Skrillex took the stage following opening acts Nadastrom, Benga, & Dada Life. The stage, conveniently located in the center of the venue, slowly rotated so that the crowd could get a good view from every angle. The audience was not only entertained by grammy nominated artist Skrillex, but also by Zen Arts Dancers including pole entertainer, Zoraya Judd.

Zen Arts is a traveling group of highly trained cirque performers, dancers, artists, and designers. Along with Zoraya Judd, four other girls brought sexy to the stage in leather and lace. I l...Read More

#skrillex #dubstep #electronic #zenarts #zorayajudd #poledance #xpole #concert

February 9, 2012 | Comments (2)
3 people flux with it
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Emancipator Safe In The Steep Cliffs Album ReviewEmancipator "Safe In The Steep Cliffs" Album Review

A lot has happened in the five years since Doug Appling, better known as Emancipator released his first album "Soon It Will Be Cold Enough" at the age of 19. His intricate guitar pieces delicately layered over his smooth beats made him stand out in the over-saturated genre which is #Electronic. Emancipator's first release gained him a sponsorship with shoe maker Puma, as well as an interview in Rolling Stone Japan. His latest effort "Safe In The Steep Cliffs" shows nothing but maturity. With more intricate Guitar, Smoother Beats, and an overall unique exp...Read More

#emancipator #indie #hiphop #instrumental

January 5, 2012 | Comments (1)
3 people flux with it
published a music review
“Owl City: Live in Los Angeles” Digital Release Review“Owl City: Live in Los Angeles” Digital Release Review

There must be some magical aura that surrounds the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. Because both of the two taped performances I have seen recorded there have blown me away. Adam Young and his backing band give viewers ninety three minutes of an absolutely spectacular performance.

If you've never heard of Owl City or Adam Young, than go YouTube "Fireflies" and you will be reminded. Anyways. Young starts the show with the opening track off All Things Bright and Beautiful ”The Real World”. I love how great the cameras capture the entire band’s i...Read More

#owlcity #electronic #portblue

December 30, 2011 | Post a Comment
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alex fish
published a music review
MIMOSA, artist review, & a few words on the latest drop, SANCTUARYMIMOSA, artist review, & a few words on the latest drop, "SANCTUARY"

To me, Dubstep is a genre with many dimensions. It’s a genre that will never be perfectly defined simply because there are just too many interpretations of the style of music. It’s always baffled me that artists like burial and Clubroot can be classified within the same genre as artists like Flux Pavilion and Excision, mostly due to the massive difference between the two styles of Dubstep that the two types of artists create. I will admit that I am fairly new to the genre, but during the last year and a half of scouring the internet looking for the newest and best Dubstep acts, I am confid...Read More

#mimosa #sanctuary #dubstep #electronic

December 29, 2011 | Post a Comment
3 people flux with it
me the sea
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The PassageThe Passage
This is my project Me the Sea. An introspection to my mind. Wash away the paint and release the inner zebra....

#methesea #dark #ambient #psychedelic #rocknroll #reggea
December 23, 2011 | Comments (5)
2 people flux with it
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Skrillex to release new EP tomorrow, BangarangSkrillex to release new EP tomorrow, Bangarang

Dubstep artist Skrillex is releasing a new EP tomorrow called Bangarang. From the looks of it this seven song EP has quite the crazy list of features throughout. One that obviously stands out is track three, Break'n A Sweat, featuring The Doors……yea…that should be interesting. It'll definitely be worth a listen, you can cop it on iTunes starting tomorrow.

Track List

1. Right In
2. Bangarang (feat. Sirah)
3. Breakn' A Sweat (Skrillex & The Doors)
4. The Devil's Den (Skrillex & Wolfgang Gartner)
5. Right On Time (Skrillex, 12th Planet & Kil...Read More

#skrillex #electronic #thedoors

December 22, 2011 | Comments (1)
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Lights releases live music video for SiberiaLights releases live music video for "Siberia"

Canadian electro pop star Lights has released a music video for the title track off her new record, Siberia. You can watch the video below, and catch her on tour all next year. Catchy song!

Sidenote: For some reason buzznet does not allow video embedding, so I found a copy of the video on YouTube. It's not the whole thing, but there is a link in the video description to watch the whole thing. Enjoy!

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#lights #electronic #pop #siberia
December 18, 2011 | Comments (5)