My name is mark. I am Samsâra. I love music and my son Chase and my friends and family. I have a dream to inspire the world with music and love
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417.3 is an instrumental post-rock/ post-metal band from Russia. I first heard them just recently thanks to facebook. Their album "2", which is their 2nd full length album, came out on December 7, 2012. A link to listen and purchase the album was posted on facebook through a post-rock community page. I was first drawn to 417.3 by their heavier drome/ doom sound and low tunings and low end tones, then was mesmerized and addicted to the sound as it turned a bit softer and more melodic. It is a perfect balance of heavy and melodic which draws the listener to a surreal place away from reality and...Read More
#post-rock #post-metal #instrumental #ambient #4173 #russian #2