Tagged #urbanlegendz
Tef Poe uploaded music

The long-awaited follow up to War Machine... War Machine 2 hosted by DJ Smallz & DJ Shure Fire. Features from Killer Mike, I-20, Royce Da 5'9, Rockwell Knuckles, and more....
#tefpoe #warmachine2 #techsupreme #urbanlegendz #hiphop #footklan April 3, 2013 | Post a Comment
Tef Poe uploaded music

"War Machine may not be something you play while walking over the hills and through the woods to grammas house, unless your family’s matriarch is into loud beats and boisterous, twisted lyrics from STL’s rising star." - The Smoking Section Featuring: Rockwell Knuckles, Vandalyzm, Teresa Jenee, Theresa Payne, Gritz, QB, Erick Richardson...
#tefpoe #warmachine #techsupreme #urbanlegendz #hiphop #footklan April 3, 2013 | Post a Comment
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
Bo Dean uploaded music

Hosted by DJ Smallz and DJ Shure Fire.
November 24, 2011 marked the lyrical feast, Bovember2: Music for the Soul, release date. Since then, Bo Dean has been in the shadows perfecting his craft. Debuting 4 installments to his "Road to Mash Up" series, depicting the time and effort that has been spent on his new project, the #MashUp. #MashUp is a new project from Bo Dean that challenges and takes his artistry to new levels. He takes a slew of instrumentals from some the rap industries most honored emcees. The constant switch ups in each song forces Bo to switch up his flow, delivery and even...
#mashup #bodean #djsmallz #steporgetleft #tylan #louieboy #hystory #illmac #urbanlegendz #phanum November 6, 2012 | Post a Comment
4 people flux with it
Ryan Meyers published a news article

Tonight, Bo Dean premiered his documentary series titled BOcumentary: The Road To The Mashup. The web video series, produced in part by #flux9films, will follow Bo on his journey as he creates his next mixtape, The Mashup. The first episode gives us a glimpse into the concept behind The Mashup, shows Bo meeting with producer Urban Legendz, previews his upcoming music video for Fly Hiigh and shows how Bo gets down on stage with his Step Or Get Left teammates Hystory and Louie Boy!
Watch the first episode after the jump!
BOcumentary - The Road To The Mashup - Episode...Read More
#bodean #bocumentary #themashup #urbanlegendz #flyhiigh #looplive