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Ryan Meyers fluxes with it

Download 100 free songs on Google's tab

December 14, 2011 by skov // #freemusic #google

Google's newly launched music platform Google Music is running a pretty sweet promotion to attract attention away from Amazon Music and iTunes and give themselves a staple in the market. They are giving away 100 free songs to every new user that signs up on Google Music.

The songs are divided into four categories, with around 100 songs in each category. The categories included are #hiphop #pop #rock and free songs. All that's required is a Google Music account.

As previously stated Google has not said how long they plan to run this promotion for, but the good news is that whatever you download a song, it's yours to keep forever.

This is a great chance to snatch up some sweet music, go sign up on Google Music and don't miss out.

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i'll flux wit it December 14, 2011

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