2 people flux with it
David Ruffin Theory
by Tef Poe & Rockwell Knuckles
By Tef Poe & Rockwell Knuckles
Mixed by Trackstar The DJ
"We're trying to represent a renaissance man type of energy, where people made music and they didn't feel the need to cater to the social standards of the day. We're giving people real emotion, real unsolicited human thought and just trying to be as creative as we can with it." - Tef Poe
Album Tracklist
Play4.Space & Opportunity Featuring Aloha Mi'sho & Theresa Payne & Saint Orleans (Produced by Trifeckta)
#davidruffintheory #tefpoe #rockwellknuckles #trackstarthedj #hiphop #stlouis
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