Tagged #rockwellknuckles
Rockwell Knuckles uploaded music

Presented by Trackstar The DJ and Mech Industries
Additional Vocals by Theresa Payne...
#rockwellknuckles #itsallhappening #stl #bullettrainarmy January 7, 2015 | Post a Comment
Theresa Payne uploaded music

FIRST and foremost all glory and thanks to God for allowing me the gift of music. To my mother, and daughter for being my greatest inspirations. To the driving FORCEs behind this project: Rockwell Knuckles, Grand, Black Spade, Trifeckta, Ryan McNeely, Tech Supreme, Tef Poe, Dro, Ced and the entire Force, thank y'all for believing. To all of my family and dearest friends, my DP crew (Moose, Parappa, Tiki, Tanq, Deege), and my city that has shown their continuous support from the very beginning, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If you receive nothing else, I hope...
#theresapayne #themoment #rockwellknuckles #neosoul #stlouis February 13, 2014 | Comments (1)
Rockwell Knuckles uploaded music

Presented by Trackstar the DJ and The Smoking Section...
#rockwellknuckles #theglow #trackstarthedj January 4, 2014 | Post a Comment
Rockwell Knuckles uploaded music

#rockwellknuckles #takemetoyourleader #tefpoe #stlouis January 4, 2014 | Post a Comment
2 people flux with it
Tef Poe uploaded music

By Tef Poe & Rockwell Knuckles
Mixed by Trackstar The DJ
"We're trying to represent a renaissance man type of energy, where people made music and they didn't feel the need to cater to the social standards of the day. We're giving people real emotion, real unsolicited human thought and just trying to be as creative as we can with it." - Tef Poe...
#davidruffintheory #tefpoe #rockwellknuckles #trackstarthedj #hiphop #stlouis December 16, 2013 | Comments (1)
Ryan Meyers fluxes with it
Nick Menn published a news article

Check out the music video for "Line Em Up" w/ Rockwell Knuckles and Tef Poe, produced by Bentley Hendrixx, video shot by Alex White.
Line Em Up
#lineemup #doorway #nickmenn #rockwellknuckles #tefpoe #hiphop October 27, 2013 | Comments (2)