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aeronaut. fluxes with it
FLUX9 is a community for like minded artists to connect and share information.

Come inside and see what we have to offer!

Anyone can see vast amounts of artists news, reviews, and features at the homepage. All of these articles are user submitted.

Users can then go to their dashboard, and share anything they want with whoever they choose to follow through their timeline.

popular posts are designated by "i flux with it's"

popular articles, tags, and music show up here.

Artists can upload and share their own music directly to the community, and users can listen freely.

go sign up, we promise you'll flux with it. December 7, 2011 | Comments (4)

Community Comments

popular articles, tags, and music show up here, to the right. December 7, 2011
Users can post to their timeline, comment on other posts, or flux with statuses. December 7, 2011
Here you'll find Dashboard. User activity populate's here based on who you follow. December 7, 2011
"Here you have the homepage, where anyone can see artist news, reviews and features. All of these are user submitted. December 7, 2011

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